Creating a Sense of Place

We place a high value on the art of creating a sense of place – a genius loci – that flows from the human connection to nature and the environment. Achieving this begins with engaging clients, community and stakeholders to listen, question and learn. Interweaving that knowledge with research, contextual and environmental cues the unique abilities of our design team we proceed to ideate, conceptualize and design transformative, innovative, human-focused spaces.

Our design reflects an ethos where beauty derives from truth and function drives an unadorned, authentic style. Considering the surrounding beauty, we explore innovative opportunities to connect the users, community and the building’s interior to its exterior through design; synergizing context and culture.

Translating culture into a sense of place and identity, our dedicated interior design studio excels at translating contextual, environmental and cultural cues into inspiring, functional, sustainable environments. Our process is a shared experience. Working alongside our architects or as an independent service, we guide the design of human-focused, functional, innovative spaces.

Our solutions to placemaking are derived from engaging key voices and considering contextual cues such as surrounding buildings, environmental and weather impacts, future growth and sightlines to surrounding views. We approach ideating urban centers, corporate and college campuses and civic facilities by exploring how humans engage the site to bolster a positive community identity.

Signatory to and actively working to meet the AIA 2030 Commitment, sustainability is one of the core values of our Utah Modernism design philosophy. Our philosophy emphasizes natural light, local materials. systems responsive to local climate resulting and design informed by regional and environmental insight. Looking past the specific space we explore community and local context to develop human-focused design that engages and connects to public transportation systems, pedestrian passages, cycling networks and open spaces.

Applying a time-tested approach, we guide the process of defining and understanding functional and spatial requirements. The resulting design, conceptual and feasibility studies enable clients to understand how the space can function alongside potential cost and schedule requirements prior to commencing architectural design.

Combining graphic, architectural, interior, landscape and industrial design our design shapes how people experience and navigate built environments. Integrating graphics, logo and other design treatments reinforces our clients' brand, culture and values while providing meaningful, legible definitions of space and wayfinding solutions.

We explores solutions to evaluate, repair and - where needed - sensitively replace aspects of historic structures to provide functional spaces that conform to current code requirements. When desired, we guide the process required for listing the structure on the National Historic Register.

Prior to putting form to a design, we work with clients, user groups and stakeholders to define mass by exploring space use, interaction and adjacencies. Through architectural programming and program verification we develop activated, engaging spaces that foster a dynamic and inspiring environment, always seeking new solutions borne out of cross-category thinking.

Public building design represents a compact with your citizens to develop accessible, legible and purposeful places to serve the population as a whole. We develop public space design focused on providing a long-term investment value to our clients and communities each serves. While designing for longevity, we apply the philosophy that design should enrich the community and manifest its values. As the typical anticipated life of a public building is fifty to one hundred years, we explore solutions to meet your current needs while anticipating flexibility and expansion for potential futures.

We specialize in crafting innovative corporate workplace environments focused on enhancing the human experience. From small startups to global firms, we engage clients to apply specific workplace strategies to balance organizational vision, office productivity, workplace safety and employee retention and recruitment needs. The result - whether a new building, tenant improvement or renovation - is modern, experiential, technology-rich solutions allowing for cutting-edge work styles .

Our approach weaves together the expertise and art to define space required provide a human-centric, modern solutions for cultural and introspective programming. Developing these spaces is a collaborative journey that weaves together the vision and expectation of our clients, projected users of the space and the expertise of our design team.

We work closely with city, county and state agencies to program and design “next generation” justice, fire and police administration buildings and stations, detention facilities, work centers, emergency communication centers and training facilities. Our approach focuses functionally driven space that provides clear separations of zones (public, staff / law enforcement, defendant), reducing inmate movement and providing clear sightlines throughout the facility.

Our dedicated lab | science team designs state-of-the art multidisciplinary science centers; innovative informal/ formal teaching labs and discussion breakout spaces; collaborative fabrication laboratories; and groundbreaking environmental education centers. Additionally, we’ve designed an array of private-for-profit and non-profit R&D labs, including materials testing and forensics laboratories. This work has been recognized regionally and nationally by the American Institute of Architects, AIA Utah, AIA Western Mountain Region, IIDA and more. Many of these projects also received LEED-certification.

We work with communities throughout the Intermountain West to develop design solutions for community focused recreation and aquatics facilities. Developing human-scaled design solutions, extensive experience ranging from Utah Olympic Park to numerous community and unique destination recreation facilities.